ZHM Greatest Of All Time Edition (Macky 2)

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I made the copperbelt more popular than copper ever did”-Macky 2 on ‘Remember Me’..Debatable? No way! Copperbelt province has/had a lot of mines, but it wouldn’t be far fetched to say Macky 2 put it on the ‘map’…


Here is Macky 2’s story:

Growing up like any other ordinary child on the copperbelt, third born in a family of 6,Mark Mulaza Kaira would not have bought it if dreams were sold,imagine how much it would have costed to buy ”being Macky 2 when you grow up”.. 

Life is how you make it,dreams do come true and only you can make it happen: My mom died when I was 8 and my Dad died when I was in the 7th Grade”-Macky 2 on Nangu Banchinge ..

Having lost his parents at a tender age he moved and lived mainly across Luanshya(His birthplace),Ndola and Chingola living with his relatives and older siblings. He schooled in Chingola at Kabundi High School where he was given his name Mark 2(Macky 2) by a teacher to differentiate him from the other students named Mark in his class and at the school. He was a brilliant student who was famous for art-drawing at school.


Fast Forward.He started producing for the likes of Baska and Afunika at Danger Zone studios in Chingola as early as 2007,even working as a producer for Mampi during this time. With limited finances to pay for music videos, he ventured into video production for his entire team.

Fact File: Before the Slapdee-Macky 2 beef, Macky 2 shot a video for Slapdee.

After seeing the success of the people he was producing for.He gathered some confidence and started recording his own music..From hardcore ”Life Yandi” ft Dandy Krazy, ”Umupondo” allstars to softcore ”Nanaka”,”Walembepafye”…The rest is history.

Hit after hit every year since he came on the scene, 4 albums, numerous awards.Becoming a complete celebrity, representing Zambia at Big Brother Africa Hotshots in 2015.Bringing more talent with him like Chef 187 and Muzo aka Alphonso..Entertaining the country with his beef with Slapdee.

Pioonering the Kopala dance, Helping  the needy with his Hope Foundation….

4 albums, 10 plus years in the game..KING BUGA..Well deserving GOAT of the game!! 

Watch Rememeber Me below: