Umusepela Chile to release a new song titled “I stand With UNZA” on 30th October


One of private label death raw front line artists by the name of Umusepela Chile who happens to be one among the popular Imisepela shibili has taken the justice for vespers fight to the booth and has out aired his emotions on the issue of the Late UNZA Student who bared the name of Vespers Shimunzhila (M.H,S,R,I,P). 

The song has come as a surprise because nobody expected any new song any time soon from Umusepela chile after his recent last released ” Tuma Busy” song last month on the 30th of September 2018. And now we have ” I Stand With UNZA ” Coming on 30th October as surprise track which was announced just a few days ago.

Visit the link below and download the previous song from Umusepela Chile as we wait for “I stand With Unza”