Salma Sky Trashes HIV Positive Rumours


It has been established that a named Online Publication ( published an article about Salma Sky being HIV Positive. However before the rumour could go any further, the Zambezi hit-maker decided to come out of the closet and clear the air. Below is what she wrote on her Facebook page;

It has been brought to my attention that an article baring false information and quotation stating that I am HIV positive, is being circulated on the internet and social media by a said publication. Firstly, I’d like to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with people who are affected by and living with HIV and AIDS. I am a firm believer of positive living and that the virus and disease is not a death sentence and manageable with the right mind-set, support and treatment to live a full life like any other person. I applaud those who have taken the steps, upon finding out that they are infected, to keep on living. This is nothing to be ashamed of or frowned upon.

However, it is extremely sad, disappointing, unfortunate and against all kinds of progress, in 2017, with all the sensitization about stigma, to use such information to cyber bully and defame another person. I am not moved to make this statement because I need to make clarity on whether I am HIV positive or not, but I’m moved because the degree to which the “authors” of this article will reach to try and destroy my image is appalling and is very telling of the morally decayed character of those who cannot live to see others happy, successful and healthy. In an age where social acceptance is such a big deal for young people and they are so affected by the lack of it, where taking their lives becomes an option when they are unable to stand up for themselves against malicious acts such as these; it is awful to think of how this could affect the next person if it were to happen to them. Not everyone is strong and supported enough to withstand other people’s attacks.

Please do not encourage gossip and blatant defamation of character by entertaining such posts. This defamation case warrants a reaction from me and I will react using the legal process in order to get the justice I deserve. My legal team will not only pursue the authors of this malicious story but also anyone that is deemed to be a part of the malice and contributors to the spread of the defamation of my image. My decision to pursue this legally is not only my fight but one for all those that have fallen victim to cyber bullying.

For the record and to be crystal clear, this article is false on ALL levels. The wording has been plagiarised from another source about another individual with the exception of names and locations to tailor it to destroy my image and character. I have never held any interview in which I stated that I am HIV positive.

I am not HIV positive. I make this clarification only to avoid people being further mislead. I still stand in support of positive living and all that are living positively even though I am not infected. I will continue to use my position in society to give support to those infected and affected because HIV affects us all. I must say I’m really moved by those who that sent encouraging and uplifting messages and comments even if they were misled by this foul spirited article. My hope is that the same would be given to anyone who truly is infected and needs the support and love of family, friends and even strangers. That good people, is progress, for us as a country and global community, to take away the shame from something that not everyone asks for but has to live with.

Please see below the original article from which the article defaming me was plagiarised from. I share this article only to show how vile and disgusting the mind set of the authors of such literature is. By sharing this article below I am in no way endorsing the article by Houston Chronicles but merely illustrating that the story was plagiarised from them. For all I know Sarah Harrison was probably equally a victim.

I hope this helps in giving direction on this subject and now we can turn the energy given to this discussion to supporting those living with HIV and AIDS and their families by showing them the love they all deserve.
God bless you all.


Salma Sky.