Pilato Shares His Thoughts on HH’s Arrest

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Controversial Musician and Poet Pilato took it to social media to share his thoughts on th arrest of UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema. Below is his facebook post;

“State of the nation

A few months ago i apologised to the government of Zambia and the Republican president a move that was widely and deeply misunderstood. I did it because i felt and still feel it was a great thing to do. I learnt from my childhood never to let those that praise me to dictate to me which route my life should take. It was an action that was received with mixed feelings, lost friends and gained friends but all in all, i still feel i did the right thing. There’s no democracy with morality, even if millions praise you for doing something wrong, it will never become right so for me i did do what i felt was right for me and my purpose on this earth.

Today i choose to speak out because i feel my support for President Lungu and his government is being challenged both politically and morally. The Mongu incident and the arrest of the UPND leader Mr. Hakainde Hichilema is a direct attack on the presidency of Mr. Lungu and silence would mean betrayal at its highest.

My commitment to President Lungu is that when all is said and done, Zambians should be proud of their country and their leadership. That His Excellency Mr. Edgar Lungu should be overall Africa’s greatest president. I am committed to seing that happen, that is why i speak out today.

I feel the Mongu incident was very unfortunate and should never be allowed to happen again. But because my commitment is to the Republican president and his government let me share my concerns.

Arresting Mr. Hakainde will benefit more the enemies of His Excellency the Republican president Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu than anybody else.
Here’s why, Great leaders have always been those that acted with love even in the deepest belly of hate. Humanity always remembers those leaders who acted with kindness and love towards those that provoked them to the core.

When Jesus Christ was attacked in the garden of Gethesemane, Peter took a sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers that attacked Jesus but quickly Jesus rebuked Peter. We read that Jesus then healed his attacker’s ear.

Nelson Mandela was imprisoned by the apartheid government in South Africa, when Mandela was released and was given power, he chose not to repay hate with hate instead he forgave those that killed and insulted him and his people.

Dr. Levy Mwanawasa was constantly under fire from the late President Sata. When the time came for Dr. Mwanawasa to repay for the fire he received, he showed love and kindness.

I can go ON and pick great leaders that didn’t respond to hate with hate.
I don’t want my President to be remembered as a tyrant. I don’t want His Excellency Mr. Lungu to be profiled in the same space as the world’s known dictators.

My President whilst you can, please save your presidency. Let not your cheerleaders influence your judgement. Any action inspired by hate is evil in the eyes of God, do not fall into the trap that many African leaders fell into. We love you and we want you happy even after your time in state house.
I end here”