PILATO Reveals Album Title & Release Date


After featuring on Kenny Gondwe‘s Interview we’re he first hinted having an album coming out Soon. Rap Artiste and Social activist Fumba Chama Aka PILATO as finally disclosed the album Title and Release Date .

The artiste posted a detailed Poster on his Social media accounts displaying the release Date for His forthcoming Album,The Title and Performing artistes for the album launch.

The album is respectively titled as “HIL” Acronym for “Here I Live” and will be officially out on the 4th of July 2020 with Performances by Wezi, Macky 2,Mbototo, Kantu, Chef 187, Tiye P ,Plus more.

Check Poster Below


With no other information given apart from that ,ZedHypeMag will closely monitor the progress of this forthcoming masterpiece and give update .