Mikrophone 7 To Launch His Album


Gospel artist Mikrophone Seven is set to launch his current situation album on 12th may 2018, scheduled to take place at Mulungushi Conference, it will be supported by big artists like Magg44, Esther Chungu, Abel Chungu, Church and Solomon plate.

Tickets are being sold at K100 ordinary and K200 for VIP, they can be brought from UNZA, ZCAS, NIPA, permanent house, town centre, Labels exclusive boutique and in different churches.

Mikrophone said people should expect a revolutionary performance and look forward to diverse music at the launch.

The album was released on 29th December last year and this is his third project since he began his career. It consists of  11 songs namely Mulomo, Blesser , Mumfyoli just to mention a few.

He featured artists like Magg44, Abel Chungu, Esther Chungu, Church, The Proof and The amazing Faith.