Macky 2 Debuts His Acting Career In “City On Fire (MUST WATCH)

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HipHop artiste “Mulaza Kaira” popularly known as “Macky 2” is stepping up his game into the Film Industry as he makes a cameo appearance in a Thriller Movie called “City On Fire. The TV Series which airs on “Zambezi Magic” is something packed with Scores of Betrayals, Payback, Suspense and special cameo appearances as the film producers will describe.

“As the gang takes hostages at the local school in a bid to have Dora released, Virus pulls the wool over Kangwa’s eyes, and the serial killer is unmasked.”  Reads part of the script Macky 2 plays.

Macky 2 featured in this season’s Finale which will air on the TV Station in a bit. More details can be found on TV Guide via Zambezi Magic website. Watch Highlights clip below!