“I Don’t Know if i’m Still Signed to Nexus Music”- Towela Kaira


Powerhouse music act “Towela Kaira” recently had an Interview with Dj PMC on Prime TV during which she talked about a number of Issues. The “Lit Manana” singer first talked about how its nice to receive positive feedback from fans when she does live music.

Towela revealed she has only done 2 songs this year which is against her intentions of dropping a song every after 4 weeks. When asked if she is still signed under Nexus Music, the songstress stated she is currently not sure as she is still renegotiating her contract.

Towela emphasized she is started from the scratch by claiming ownership of her upcoming content. This is the reason her latest single “Maria” is posted on her YouTube Channel and not that of Nexus Music.

The singer also talked about hanging out With Ruger and quitting playing her character in Mungoma on Zambezi Magic.