Hot FM Fires Dj Chishala and Hope Breakfast show hosta

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It seems there’s fire at Hot FM right now. Popular breakfast DJs Chishala and Hope have reportedly been replaced on the show with rumors doing the rounds that they were dismissed after using their popularity to arm twist the station’s owners for special treatment.
That’s why listeners have been waking up to new voices on the show Flava and Teresa. And Sources exclusively told that ,the two have actually paid the price for many disciplinary issues including taking days off without permission and expecting special treatment because of their popularity on air. “Not even the high profile status of their show could save them because they have held the station’s owners to ransom thinking they can’t be replaced. Other shows have been revamped with new presenters but the two considered themselves untouchable.” Zed Hype Mag, has also information that the owners have actually been considering poaching some presenters from other stations to replace the two but are concerned there will be a backlash. “The problem is that the breakfast show was allowed to go on for too long with the two presenters and now they can change the whole show since that show is the only one that hasn’t been improved in the last few years.” sources told our reporter. There are contrally reports that the decision to replace the two was a directive from higher authorities but the owners are mute on this. There is also a possibility that the two will be recalled although there is much resistance from other staff who think the two have always gotten away with being undisciplined and big headed because of high profile interviews including President Lungu and HH. “Usually one of the presenters can do the show alone when one decides not to be on air but both have been off air for days now.”.