Gospel Artist “Sife” Runs Community School


Local gospel artist Sife took it upon herself to provide the right to education to some less privileged children in her community.

She has always been passionate about children, enjoys spending time with them and has the desire to improve their wellbeing.

She said it all started when her family moved to Makeni she found a lot of kids there and they would come to spend time with her and the family, she played with them and later realised that some of them did not know how to read.

She then invited them to be going for lessons, to learn how to read, write and basic literacy skills. On the first day about 25 kids showed up for school she was really impressed because she didn’t expect such number.

It was then that the school was born and that was in 2008, unfortunately she had to close the school in 2010 because the environment was not conducive because the number of kids increased to over 200, the school lacked infrastructure, teachers among other things and could not accommodate the growing number.

She then moved to Ndola to work on her music then she came back in 2014 to her disappointment most of the brilliant girls she used to teach became pregnant and the guys became substance abusers and some even dropped out of school.

It was so breaking to see intelligent children failing to access education because of vulnerability” she said.