Exclusive Interview: Pompi talks About Forthcoming Album, Personal Life, Music Career Plus More!

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We were honored to sit down and Interview award winning Gospel Sensational “Chakachadzya Nyathando” popularly Known as “POMPI” when we paid him a Visit at his Office.

We started the interview a bit late, due to circumstance beyond our control. We arrived at his office at exactly 10:20 AM  only to find that he had taken a few meters drive away from his office but before a blink of an eye he was back and he attended to us immediately he arrived and took us under his care from the receptionist’s hands.

After a number of jokes and compliments we commenced the interview.

(Zed hype Mag)

Q: Who is Pompi?


POMPI is a musician like known by many, but am also a business system developer and i own a communication designing Technology Company called Atmosphere. Am a quiet introverted type of Individual, only when it’s time for me to jump on Stage that’s when a bit of hype can be noticed.

(Zed Hype Mag)

Q: Why did you Choose Pompi as your stage name because, Pompi here actually means a Tap.


Yeah, actually Pompi to me is a Tap as well. I believe I don’t make the music I do but instead am a Conduit and a tap used by God to Give People The Music. So to me God is the source of the music I do and am the Tap.

(Zed Hype Mag)

Q: Are you married?


No iam not

(Zed Hype Mag)

Q: Why if we may ask ?


Actually I don’t see myself touring after starting a family, i wouldn’t love to see myself leaving my family at home while I travel for shows. So am trying by all means to serve my ministry mission before i open another page in life which is marriage, But i do have a woman in my life who i intend to marry. Lets say am courting Now!

Zed Hype Mag

Q: Talking of ministry mission. You first started as a secular artist and later ventured into full time Gospel. Can you tell us what brought this unexpected change?


I agree to the fact that I was a secular rapper at first. But there came a time in my life when I found myself falling in love with the word of God more than I used to and willing became born again.

That being my state made me to change the message in my music because as a born again Christian you are supposed to follow the values and principles of Jesus Christ. Even though I refer myself as an orthodox gospel artist, that means I don’t just relate my music to the three books of gospel which are Mathew, Luke and John but the Bible in general. If you listen to my songs there are some which people don’t refer to as gospel because they were composed out of Bible circles, but i do not make which is contrary to a Christian life, though I do make social life type of music which can contain opinion of a human on certain national issues e.g. in my album titled Mizhu you will find political related songs that shares human opinion and cry outs, in others you will find love message but in the boundaries of marriage which is not wrong in the eyes of God, e.tc

(Zed Hype Mag )

Q: You have talked about one of your previous albums, which got a lot of attention from people upon it being an instant hit. A lot of people out there may be wondering if you have plans of releasing another album soon. Are we expecting an album from you any time soon?


Yes, I have 100 % plans of releasing a new album soon. We have almost concluded recordings for my upcoming album, I do take time before I release another let’s say two years or three, because my plans are to release only five albums and so far i have three including the upcoming one , which means am only remaining with two.

(Zed Hype Mag)

Q: Does this mean you are not going to release any album after that?

(Pompi )

No, I won’t.

I planned to do only five albums in my gospel music career. You may expect some singles after that or collaborations from me but not any album. Because before I started i had a full picture of how it will be, that’s one of the reasons why i space my albums so that the Pompi serves its purpose for a good period of time before it stops.

(Zed Hype Mag)

q: Are you under any Record label


No am not under any record label, even though a lot of people confuse LOTA HOUSE to be a record label that am based in, but no am not. And for the sake of setting the record correct. LOTA HOUSE is not a record label but more like an association which serves one major reason that is preaching and making sure that the message of God is reaching masses. So its an understanding we made between me, Mag44, Abel Chungu to mention a few. On the other hand, am the CEO of Atmosphere Nation which funded the previous Albums.

(Zed Hype Mag)

Q: Do you get to have free time and how do you spend it?


Yes I do more especially that i love what i do and it being my source of survival just makes it more and more exciting for me, because i feel my free time is always there.

(Zed Hype Mag)

Q: Do you hung out?


Yes I do .

Like the previous day we went for a movie with my friends, Mag 44, Able Chungu and one of our pastors. Some times you may find me with my family, and some times  I may just be here at my office reading. But i do have free time for myself.

(Zed Hype Mag)

Q: So you talked about family can you please shade a bit of light on that.


My family has been supportive and i thank God for that. It’s really great to see both my Father and Mother alive, witnessing what God has done in life and how my music dream transformed into reality. Not forgeting my two sisters and brother. am so grateful.

(Zed Hype Mag)

Q: You have done a big number of stage performances but can you share the most memorable show you ever had?


All shows to me are memorable because I always talk about the Christian ways which I enjoy, but the most memeorable one was in Uganda. It was attended by a lot of people (6000 Plus) including the president of Uganda His Excellence Mr Museveni

…………………………………………End Of Interview……………………………………..

Please stay connected to www.zedhypemag.net for more updates on The Gospel legendary Pompi.