Chef 187 appears to Shade K.R.Y.T.I.C In a New Post

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Top rated rapper “Chef 187” yesterday decided to send a subliminal at rapper “K.R.Y.T.I.C” following their online beef. The feud which started after rapper KR claimed Chef 187 only had one trick seems to have reached another stage as online subs continue.

The Copperbelt boy who retaliated to Chef 187 calling him frustrated also hit back by claiming, the frustration is actually fuel for new ideas. The Kopala Sabala also took a turn by sending his own subliminal in his latest Facebook post by captioning a Video post of him kicking a soccer ball as his new trick.

Both rappers command respect among HipHop heads and many actually think a lyrical feud would be interesting although that is far from happening. For now, enjoy the Facebook subs.