Bow Chase Threatens To Beat Up Sanga Tembo


Following a recent argument between the two (Bow Chase and Sanga Tembo) over a reaction video Sanga Tembo gave to Bow Chase’sMacarena” Song check the syory HERE . Bow Chase was displeased and made a video telling off Sanga Tembo ,and warning him from reacting to his songs.
Just when it looked like the beef had been squashed, Bow Chase in a new freestyle called “Entanglement bars”  featuring Mohsin Malik has blatantly said
Wilachita react kuma nyimbo, nkakuponona nga naku Sanga kembo“..
Sanga Tembo, a former radio personality for a Hiphop show called Eardrum,has built a reputation with reaction videos with some artistes taking it personal..