“Bobby East Should Have Replied With a Song, Not a Facebook Post”, SmaQ

SmaQ on the table with Chimweka

After being name dropped for being on the wrong end by SmaQ in his “One Zali” song,  Bobby East Through a comment on former radio personality Sanga Tembo‘s post were he expressed his disappointment in the song.

SmaQ has finally spoken up about it in an interview with Diamond TV‘s On The Table with Chimweka, saying Bobby East should have replied with a song and not a Facebook post. He further added that Bobby East has nice verses but no verse better than SmaQ‘s second verse on the reply song “One Zali“.

In the interview, SmaQ also admitted to Chimweka that he agrees to the fact that Bobby East is a very successful artiste but he is neither jealous of him nor admires him. He also believes Bobby East went “Platinum” in his album sales, but says that’s easy and he could have done that too if accorded a platform.

SmaQ also listed “I Forgive You” ft. Macky 2 as his favorite song by Bobby East (off his recent “Vanilla” album), expressing that he appreciated the name drop in the song and how he felt Bobby East was “murdered” by Macky 2.

Lastly, in response to all the people (including Bobby East) who expected him to go personal, SmaQ explained that Bobby East didn’t go personal in his songs about him, therefore didn’t he

SmaQ on the table with Chimweka

see a reason to do so either, but added that he does have a few things up his sleeve if need be.

Watch interview below:

– Bobby East's Best Friend (Nez Long aka Mr. Van Damme) talks about him not inhereting Bobby's enemies.- SmaQ "Lord…

Posted by Diamond TV Zambia on Monday, January 21, 2019

– Bobby East’s Best Friend (Nez Long aka Mr. Van Damme) talks about him not inhereting Bobby’s enemies. – SmaQ “Lord Smeaky” explains why he didn’t go personal in his reply to Bobby’s East’s songs about him. For more interviews, catch On The Table with Chimweka MANIC Chileshe every Sunday at 17:00hrs and if you haven’t, remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel (Diamond TV Zambia)
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