Artiste Profile: P M C


Philimon Chisanga Mwansa Commonly known as P M C Is an Artist,A Tv and Radio Personality as well as A CEO Of Team No Sleep. Born on 15th February 1995,P M C is the Second last born in a family of Four,Three(3) been boys and One(1) Girl. Philimon Was raised in a Christian Home by his Father Mr Gideon Kangwa Mwansa and his Late Mother Christine Shula Mwansa who died in 2010.

E D U C A T I O N A L   B A C K G R O U N D

Philimon started School in 2001 At Kabanana Primary school then Let Moved to New Kabanana Secondary school.By God’s grace he Completed School at Highlands Secondary school in Lusaka from 2012-2014

C A R E E R  L I F E

PMC Started Music as early as 10 Years old,He used to Perform at School variety Shows with other people’s trucks from Zambia and America. He Came on the scene in 2013 with a song Titled Ambition with a great Video which first premiered on 3.7 Blaze On Tv 2 formerly hosted by G-Wise. The song was produced by Roller Studios. In Addition,Philimon Released songs like: –I miss You Which is a Tribute to his Late Mother. –Let It GoMutima Which Features Drifter and Tyce. –Apa Which Features Jea Cash and Ben De FurtureMirrors among others. In the Music industry PMC has Shared Stage with Tiye P,Drifter,Saty K and D2 among Others. On the Other Hand PMC,He is A Tv Show host of Entertainment on Prime Tv called The Lounge and Also he his A Radio Dj on Pan African radio.

P E R S O N A L  A C H I V E V E M E N T
In 2017 He Obtained a Certificate in Journalism and Pretation Skills under United States Of America US Embassy & recently just got an advanced certificate under American embassy making him having two Certificate under American embassy. He was Nominated in The CBC 2017 VIEWERS CHOICE AWARDS in The BEST VIDEO BY NEW ARTIST. -He Has Released T Shirts Of His Team called Team NO sleep. PMC  brands himself as A voice of Young People(Vyp) he Says his aim in Music is To Influence Young people to be positive in their Walks of Life.

T H E  C O N C L U S I O N

PMC is Inspired by his Late Mother & The Girl Friend Princes Lungu who he says mentor him,Like my late Mother always told me “Be the Change that you want to see,Work extra hard in your goals and Big.” And also he is Inspired by Jaden Smith internationally,Locally it is Kalumba Chikuni Aka K Smash Radio And Tv Personality including Mr Derrick Sinjela. In My Closing remarks he said,”Never give up,Do your best and never mingle with people who will have a Negative effect on Your Life.” Before I Go,Don’t forget to vote for me as the Best Video by New Artist and Don’t forget to buy a Team NO sleep T Shirt call 0976763320.