Aqualaskin fires Back Shots at Drifta Trek

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HipHop artiste and Entertainer “Aqualaskin” today fired back shots at Drifta Trek who aimed jabs at him few days ago. The M’Simbi hitmaker posted the shots on his Facebook page as a response to Drifta Trek who mocked him to keep twerking instead of Challenging Chef 187.

Few days ago, Aqualaskin announced he will drop a HipHop song on 13th January as a Challenge to Chef 187 who will drop his album on the same day. The rapper emphasized HipHop is a competitive sport and hence we will offer himself as a sacrifice since every artiste is scared of him.


This didn’t sit well with Drifta Trek and others who considered the challenge disrespectful. This prompted the “Baleke” hitmaker to send jabs at him.

Aqualaskin couldn’t hesitate to hitback and called Drifta Trek an ‘ illiterate ass kissers’. See post below!

Chef 187 is set to drop his 5th Studio album called “Broke Nolukumbwa” on 13th January, 2022 and the album is already the most anticipated project of 2023.