Alpha Romeo Sparks Rumors of Joining XYZ With New Single

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HipHop recording artiste “Alpha Romeo” today dropped a new single called “Nichitila Iwe” and the release has sparked rumours of the rapper Joining XYZ Entertainments. The song features singer Elisha Long and was produced by Miles Came Along.

Nichila Iwe” has been released under “XYZ Entertainments” with H-Mac making hints earlier on before the single dropped. The record which also came with a music video has the XYZ Logo at the beginning of the video which simply translates into ownership by Slapdee‘s founded label.

Alpha Romeo was initially signed to K-Amy although he has worked with a lot of different labels the past few years and hasn’t revealed whether he officially left Killa Beats‘ label. KB on the hand is also managing Nexus Music Entertainments LTD, a potential Big record label which was recently founded and hosts many other big names such as Chef 187, Afunika, Izrael and Nalu among others.