Umusepela Chile M-Square – (Official Ndeluka Mix-tape)


Umusepela Chile M-Square is one of the greatest Zambian based deep poetic Artists who has proved to many that style is the in key to every poetic act.

He is one among the dual popular Zambian music stars known as Imisepela Shibili and him being a Private Label Death Raw owned artist has created him  much opportunities
in his music career,such that when we talk of artists who think outside the box and  difference,he happens to be among the top listed.
His Mix-tape titled Ndeluka  is still and will always tell us his deep stories of life for it is an eye opener to him and who ever listens and  understands it.
Great real points it brings as said by many, and deep poetic arts it holds naturally.

This mix tape contains eleven songs which creates a new you, and drives you with so much force/speed to your successful destination when you give attention to it by listening carefully in order as listed below. 
Straight from his heart he says, for he features real life issues of which he has gone through and discovered how to accept and handle them without causing harm or more.
Join Umusepela Chile on his journey to his thoughts and entertainment by downloading
this incomparable mix-tape titled NDELUKA for free!!!!

1 -Senda Amaboko ………………………….Download mP3

2 -Bwafya  ……………………………………Download mP3

3 -Ngafweni Mwe Lesa ……………………..Download mP3

4 -Cansambu………………………………….Download mP3

5 -Ndeluka…………………………………….Download mP3

6 -Finshi Fimbi?………………………………Download mP3

7 -Life …………………………………………Download mP3

8 -Level ……………………………………….Download mP3

9 -Icishinka cilakalipa……………………….Download mP3

10 -Suminafye………………………………..Download mP3

11 -You light ………………………………….Download mP3